Tasty Peach is a kawaii-filled collection featuring Japanese-inspired desserts combined with adorable characters! Pastel Lollipop Nomwhal will be your perfect treat-yourself present! Made in a soft pastel purple fabric, this Pastel Lollipop Nomwhal is an overstuffed Nomwhal plush with cute embroidered features and precious lollipop swirl horn.
Product Info
- 7 inches long from top to bottom
- High quality materials make for a soft and fluffy touch
- Sweet, lovable facial expression
- Based on the original designs from Tasty Peach
- Features beautiful embroidered details
Tasty Peach is a kawaii-filled collection featuring Japanese-inspired desserts combined with adorable characters! Pastel Lollipop Nomwhal will be your perfect treat-yourself present! Made in a soft pastel purple fabric, this Pastel Lollipop Nomwhal is an overstuffed Nomwhal plush with cute embroidered features and precious lollipop swirl horn.
Product Info
- 7 inches long from top to bottom
- High quality materials make for a soft and fluffy touch
- Sweet, lovable facial expression
- Based on the original designs from Tasty Peach
- Features beautiful embroidered details