Cast. Conjure. Stir it up. Call on the assistance of the five winds, cast a circle of stars, enlist the help of the nature spirits in your yard. A Witch's world is filled with wonder and magick. It's also filled with the hard work and dedication to learning that are part of living the Craft every day.
Silver RavenWolf serves up seasoned guidance to the Craft in To Stir A Magick Cauldron, the second volume in the enormously popular Witchcraft series that also includes To Ride A Silver Broomstick and To Light A Sacred Flame. This indispensable guide presents tried-and-true Witch wisdom, dished out with Silver's down-to-earth warmth and humor.
Cast. Conjure. Stir it up. Call on the assistance of the five winds, cast a circle of stars, enlist the help of the nature spirits in your yard. A Witch's world is filled with wonder and magick. It's also filled with the hard work and dedication to learning that are part of living the Craft every day.
Silver RavenWolf serves up seasoned guidance to the Craft in To Stir A Magick Cauldron, the second volume in the enormously popular Witchcraft series that also includes To Ride A Silver Broomstick and To Light A Sacred Flame. This indispensable guide presents tried-and-true Witch wisdom, dished out with Silver's down-to-earth warmth and humor.