So, I have silently suffered the life a life of coughing, a sniffling nose, with itchy eyed and endless boxes of paper towels, hankies, shirt sleeves and work rags to keep me tidy from these miserable allergies. Always living by oak trees and rag weed, mold and dust. But, no longer do I suffer in Vain. After being directed to Pretty Hot Mess in Glens Falls, NY , a roller ball application of "Ithces Brew" on my nose, neck, chest, ears and the feet !!! within 5 hours and two steam room sessions I am a Super Human again. Thank you gals at Hot Mess and our YMCA receptionist for sending me your way. My daily routine now. I am cured, so amazing. This definitely will be a stocking stuffers for our family Christmas. Cheers, Annie C