Embark on a magical journey into Witchcraft and Wicca with Mia Cold's Cracking The Witchcraft Code! This ultimate masterclass box set provides in-depth knowledge on everything witchy, from the basics of witchcraft to advanced spell craft. Experience an inspiring read full of mythical wisdom and magical secrets.
Full of information and practical spells, this book is perfect for beginners who are just getting started as well as experienced practitioners looking to expand their knowledge. Each chapter sparkles with witty insight and Cold’s lighthearted charm that transports you into a world of enchanting enchantment. It even includes real Wiccan spells so you can start practicing your own craft immediately!
Embark on a magical journey into Witchcraft and Wicca with Mia Cold's Cracking The Witchcraft Code! This ultimate masterclass box set provides in-depth knowledge on everything witchy, from the basics of witchcraft to advanced spell craft. Experience an inspiring read full of mythical wisdom and magical secrets.
Full of information and practical spells, this book is perfect for beginners who are just getting started as well as experienced practitioners looking to expand their knowledge. Each chapter sparkles with witty insight and Cold’s lighthearted charm that transports you into a world of enchanting enchantment. It even includes real Wiccan spells so you can start practicing your own craft immediately!