Adirondack Ghosts
In the Adirondack Mountains of New York State visitors can explore peaceful mountain villages where phantoms still roam, linger at lakeside retreats where apparitions abound and explore historic places surrounded by shades of the past. Adirondack Ghosts presents stories of legendary haunts, spirited resorts, restaurants and museums where the departed continue making their presence known.
About the Author: Prize winning author Lynda Lee Macken is a native New Yorker. Her articles have appeared in regional and national publications including THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER and FATE magazines. Ms. Macken's story of her own ghostly encounter at Big Moose Lake in Upstate New York with Grace Brown, whose murder inspired Theodore Dreiser's AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY, was produced by UNSOLVED MYSTERIES. This is her second book of ghost stories.
Adirondack Ghosts
In the Adirondack Mountains of New York State visitors can explore peaceful mountain villages where phantoms still roam, linger at lakeside retreats where apparitions abound and explore historic places surrounded by shades of the past. Adirondack Ghosts presents stories of legendary haunts, spirited resorts, restaurants and museums where the departed continue making their presence known.
About the Author: Prize winning author Lynda Lee Macken is a native New Yorker. Her articles have appeared in regional and national publications including THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER and FATE magazines. Ms. Macken's story of her own ghostly encounter at Big Moose Lake in Upstate New York with Grace Brown, whose murder inspired Theodore Dreiser's AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY, was produced by UNSOLVED MYSTERIES. This is her second book of ghost stories.